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Our Mission

At Covenant Church our goal is for God to shine in the world. This works when His word first works in us, then for us, and eventually through us—the born again believer. Here’s how. 


In us—First God points out areas of our personal lives where changes are needed most to better reflect His views & convictions; not to condemn but to improve us. His word works in us when we choose His ways over ours. 


For us—Since all that God does is for our good, cooperating with those changes from inside our hearts & minds leads to better decisions in life and life gets better. At their core, these changes are supernatural but manifest as everyday life.


Through us—When others see the positive changes in our lives—better relationships, happier, more secure and successful person, sharing our Godly experiences is more natural than stumbling for religious speeches and deep sounding one-liners. 


Our real and relevant results declare we’re winners in Christ as God’s love, light and faith shines through our lives to a hurting world looking for answers.


Our mission? Simple. Faith for results.

Pastors Thomas & Elisa Tarrant

They founded Covenant Church Live in July of 2001 in Desert Hot Springs, CA.  They've raised 6 children in the Word of God and all of them are actively involved in their ministry.  They want to see God move mightily in people's lives and teach the principles of God in a way that can have a positive impact on a person's life in every aspect.

Real Results From Real People!

"The Wonders of God"

— Frank, San Diego CA

I had a problem with depression and blamed God.  After the Marines, drug binges were normal resulting in "come downs" with overwhelming thoughts of suicide haunting me nightly.

I met Pastor Thomas and Elisa Tarrant.  They have counseled me on many positive life decisions and spiritual knowledge.  I am truly sorry now and repent for such wrongs I committed against God.

I realize I was healthy all my life, I have my arms, legs, and both eyes.  I wasn't starving nor had a rough childhood thanks to my mom and dad even if I treated them poorly.  I realize I had nothing to even complain about.  The devil tricked me.  I'm privileged to write about how my life has miraculously changed as a result of going to Covenant Church.  I am truly amazed at the wonders God works in people's lives.

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